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Well lovelys the holidays are approaching! Both of us obsess over the holidays as much as anyone (you may have already noticed Twinzies: Spooktacular/The Nightmare Before Christmas). We are wrapped head to toe daily, but this is serious business as we get ready for holiday shopping. So here we go with the Twinzies' spin on how to grab those items you’ve been dying to get at a bargain and navigate the web. To help you we’ve set a dress code (this is definitely easy for Chels-black attire daily) and checklist we borrowed from Jack the Skellington King to go by.

Victoria's Secret shorts, Ugg Boots, Limited Too socks, Free People legging, M.A.C Purple Lip


First let’s get the checklist down (game plan its gunna be black outside during those first hours that are crucial to grab those gifities!!!). In preparation for “Black” Friday get those Black clothes on and don't be afraid to layer it up (Black Nail Polish, Eye Shadow, Lip Stick, Apparel, Accessories, etc.). Remember people you need to look serious and have your list of items ready…Also, round up your friends. When you travel in packs (friends), you add to the intimidation factor. You need to have your “V.I.P” status prevalent. Plan Ahead, Get There Early, Work Quickly = the ingredients for Black Friday success.

Classic Bandanna, Victoria's Secret shorts, Blowfish boots, M.A.C. black liner, Limited Too socks

Borrowed The Nightmare Before Christmas List from Jack the Skellington



For Cyber Monday it’s all about comfort wear and home location (PJ’s, Sweats, FIDM hoodie, Shady Pants, Cup of Hot Coco, laptop, hair in a messy ponytail or bandana). Just make sure to have your favorite web sites marked and get all items in the basket (a MUST on Sunday eve). Get your coffee on early & laptops/tablets powered up asap....perserverance is key to score those online deals. Our favorite “Black” Friday and Cyber Monday spots back home in Nebraska are Wynk Boutique and The Buckle. Other favorites for fashion on the world wide web that are offering great deals are: Joe’s JeansVictoria's SecretWildfox CoutureFree People,, eBay, Black MilkClothing, URB Clothing, Adorkable Apparel, Kippy'sOld Gringo, etc.


Preparing for the holidays is no easy task, but have fun and get in the Shopping Spirit the way the twinzies do. Wrap up your holidays in glamour, accessories, and glitter. Happy Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping! 

xoxo, The Twinzies <3